Genuine WEBER 32/36 DGV carburettor kit.
Two-barrel, progressive weber carburettor.
Supplied here with fitting pack.Choke cable and under-dashboard fitting bracket supplied with this kit.
Reliable manual-choke mechanism.
The critical intake manifold mounting stud hole dimensions are 93x46mm (centre-to-centre).
We do have a few manifold adaptor kits for a few popular car and jeep models, which will enable the fitment of this carburettor kit to many classic motors.
Kit contents:
Weber 32/36 DGV carburettor.
Choke cable and fitting kit
Water hose by pass kit (Eliminates the coolant fluid running through the carburettor).
Fuel pipe and return to tank fuel pipe adaptor
In-line fuel filter
Manifold heat spacer/mounting gasket
Fitting instructions.
26mm Primary venturi (fixed)
27mm Secondary venturi (fixed)
140 Primary main jet
140 Secondary main jet
F50 Primary emulsion tube
F50 Secondary emulsion tube
165 Primary air corrector jet
160 Secondary air corrector jet
30 Pump exhaust valve
60 Primary idle jet
50 Secondary idle jet
50 Pump jet
2.00 Needle valve.
Use LP4026 throttle linkage kit, to enable the connection of your throttle cable directly on this carburettor.
Brand New, Genuine Spanish Made WEBER Carburettor.
Shipping Worldwide OK